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Abilene hospitals could receive Pfizer vaccine as early as Thursday



ABILENE, TX — If you’re not a doctor or a patient, your perspective of Hendrick Medical Center is more of an outsider looking in.

For most of us, it’s hard to imagine what front line workers experience inside these doors because we’re hearing numbers, not stories.

Since March, they’ve been in the heat of it all, which is why healthcare workers will be the first to receive the vaccine.

In the Key City, that could be as early as Thursday.

“Those that have the highest risk of coming in contact with COVID patients,” said Susan Wade with Hendrick Medical Center.

Wade says the first on the list to receive the vaccine are people working in COVID units, the ICU, and Respiratory Therapy.

“It’s really the first line providers and all the support departments,” said Wade.

Human Resources and Administration are not on that list.

Nearly 3,000 doses are expected to arrive this week and will be administered within 24 hours of that time.

“We’ve already got people plugged in to do that quickly and efficiently,” said Wade.

Hendrick has already been training those who will give out the shots and those who will be storing them.

“We started working on ordering the freezer as soon as it would be needed and it actually came in this weekend,” said Wade.

The freezers can hold up to 300,000 doses will come in handy in the coming months.

The vaccine is optional for healthcare workers but Wade says regardless, it’s coming at a crucial time with cases on the rise.

