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Tye Police offer firearm lock kits to citizens free of charge



ABILENE, TX — According to data from nationwide children’s 1 in 3 families with children have at least one gun in the house.

It is estimated that there are more than 22 million children living in homes with guns.
Tye police Chief Jay Strong, reminds firearm owners to lock and store guns properly and to avoid any accidental discharges in your home.

“I think people have the right to bear arms but like anything, there is education that goes with it and if there are children in the home you have an extra responsibility to make sure they’re safe and know the rules with that firearm. Another thing to consider is if they have a friend that comes into the home maybe that friend isn’t as educated as your child is”, said Chief Strong.

According to Chief Strong Tye, along with other city agencies offer firearm lock kits free of charge to citizens in need.

“It keeps that firearm locked and it comes with two keys and there is no way to discharge the firearm if this is secured to the weapon.” Said Chief Strong.

