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Abilene City Manager Resists Gov. Abbott’s New Executive Order



ABILENE, TX – Less than an hour after Gov. Abbott announced a new executive order that closes bars once again, the Abilene City Manager announced the city will not be complying with the order.

City Manager Robert Hanna announced business owners and citizens will be encouraged to follow the orders the best they can.

“The City of Abilene under the advice of the City Attorney, will not enforce the Governor’s Executive Order, BUT we encourage all business owners and citizens to use common sense and to follow the Governor’s Executive Orders to the extent they can,” said Hanna in a statement.

Even though Hanna stated the city will not enforce the order, he did acknowledge the TABC will likely enforce the shutdown of local bars. Under a previous executive order, the TABC could close down an establishment for 30 days if it violated the social distancing and occupancy rules and guidelines. A second infraction could be punished by a 60-day closure.

According to Hanna, outdoor events scheduled for June and July will more than likely take place and future events might be canceled.

“Any immediate events scheduled in June and July will likely proceed, but events further out I cannot speak to at this time,” said Hanna. “All that being said, the City reserves the right to cancel outdoor gatherings over 100 attendees if the public’s health is endangered. We will rely on hospitalizations and infection rates to make these determinations.”

Hanna states that common sense could greatly help slow the spread, including wearing masks, social distancing, and avoiding large crowds.

“The message folks need to hear is that they need to use common sense and be responsible. Avoid large crowds, social distance, if you choose to wear a mask, wear a mask,” said Hanna. “If you don’t want to wear a mask respect those that do and avoid antagonizing folks or standing or walking within six feet of them. Basically, be kind to one another and look out for each other. Pretty simple rules to live by.”

