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COVID-19: Taylor County adds 12 cases Thursday; vaccine info event coming to Anson



ABILENE, TX – Of the 12 new cases, six were confirmed via polymerase chain reaction tests.

Active cases total 219 (108 PCR cases and 111 cases confirmed with antigen tests). A week ago, active cases numbered 163.

COVID-19 inpatients at the Abilene hospitals remain at 16, the same number reported Wednesday. The average age of the patients is 58, and six live outside Taylor County.

The percentage of COVID-19 inpatients in the Abilene trauma service area was 2.33%  Wednesday, compared to 2.56% Tuesday and 2.63% Monday, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services COVID-19 website.

Coronavirus by the numbers

Abilene/Taylor County (updated Thursday): Total positive PCR cases, 7,267; active PCR cases, 108; total antigen probable cases, 8,378; total active antigen cases, 111; total PCR recoveries, 6,989; total antigen recoveries, 8,035; Total deaths, 402; Current hospitalizations at Abilene facilities (as reported by city, which may vary from Hendrick number depending on time of day), 16.

Texas (updated Thursday): Total cases, 2,467,456; New cases, 2,404; Active cases (estimated), 63,157; Hospitalized, 2,745; Fatalities, 49,158; New fatalities, 67; Total tests, 28,160,119; Recovered (estimated), 2,738,193.

Big Country estimated active cases (as tracked by the state): Howard, 41; Scurry, 22; Brown, 18; Coke, 8; Erath, 8; Coleman, 4; Eastland, 3; Comanche, 2; Fisher, 2; Jones, 2; Shackelford, 2; Callahan, 1; Kent, 1; Mitchell, 1; Runnels, 1; Stephens, 1; Haskell, 0; Knox, 0; Nolan, 0; Stonewall, 0; Throckmorton, 0.

Select West Texas counties estimated active cases: Ector (Odessa), 289; Midland, 237; Randall (Canyon), 234; Potter (Amarillo), 162; Lubbock, 108; Tom Green (San Angelo), 72; Wichita (Wichita Falls), 43; Hale (Plainview), 14; Moore, 2.

SELECT PRISONS (Wednesday update)

Daniel (Snyder): Staff cases – active, 1. Inmate cases – active, 28, medical isolation, 28.

Havins (Brownwood): Staff cases – active, 0; Inmate cases – active, 0, medical isolation, 0.

Middleton (Abilene): Staff cases – active, 4; Inmate cases – active, 1, medical isolation, 1.

Robertson (Abilene): Staff cases – active, 8; Inmate cases – active, 0, medical isolation, 0.

Sayle (Breckenridge): Staff cases – active, 0; Inmate cases – active, 0,  medical isolation, 0.

Wallace (Colorado City): Staff cases – active, 0; Inmate cases – active, 0, medical isolation, 0.

Source: Texas Department of Criminal Justice COVID-19 website. 


Abilene ISD: Reported Wednesday one new staff case at Ortiz Elementary. Active cases total seven (four students, three staff), the same as Tuesday. Since Aug. 17, the district has reported 1,138 cases (577 students, 561 staff).

Wylie ISD: Reported Thursday zero active cases.

State pop-up event promoting vaccine info coming to Anson

ANSON – A 16-foot-tall display about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines is coming to Anson as part of a statewide outreach campaign by the Texas Department of State Health Services.

The pop-up event will be noon to 4 p.m. Saturday at Spring Market, 122 Commerce Ave. The display in the store parking lot will feature an outdoor video wall, according to a news release.

The display and video will address common concerns about getting COVID-19 and the vaccine.

Key takeaways from the presented information will include:

► The vaccines were tested in clinical trials with diverse races and ethnicities.

► Vaccines available from all manufacturers are highly effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death. The number of people in the hospital with COVID-19 has fallen by more than 75 percent since January.

► The vaccine will enable people to return to day-to-day normal life.

