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Texas House Has Just Hours Left to Pass House Bills



TX – There are just about two and a half weeks left in the 87th Texas Legislative Session.

“We are in the home stretch, but it’s a big home stretch,” said House Speaker Dade Phelan in an April 7 interview.

Thursday marks a big deadline. It is the last day to pass house bills.

“Every legislator thinks their bill is a good bill. I will tell you, I have eight on the agenda, again we refer to it as a calendar, and probably at least five of those will probably not make it and they die. At midnight tonight the clock runs out,” said Rep. Matt Shaheen, R-Plano.

There are pages and pages on the calendar Thursday, including one known as Bo’s law, named after Botham Jean, who was killed in his home by an off duty police officer.  The bill would require law enforcement to keep body cameras on throughout an investigation, with few exceptions.

“It is important that we have accountability in policing,” said Rep. Carl Sherman, D-DeSoto.

The Crown act, an anti-hair discrimination bill, passed in several other states, is far down the list as time ticks on.

So is house bill 1399, which would ban gender reassignment surgeries and prescription drugs that stop and delay puberty for anyone under 18, one activist has been trying to stop. It could be the clock that makes the final decision. But a bill that dies could see new life.

“Things can be tacked as amendments on other bills, and we still have time to pass senate bills, so the session is a long way from being over still, but this is a key deadline for the house,” said Rep. Chris Turner, D-Arlington.

