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Abilene aims to end Family & youth homelessness in 2021



ABILENE, TX — According to Madi Hutson, Coalition Coordinator with the West Texas Homeless Network, Abilene participated in the annual point in time homeless count, which is a 24-hour event that takes place nationwide.

“The count, while it doesn’t necessarily set our goals it gives us a really good marker on where we are on our goals,” said Hutson.

According to Hutson, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the count is taking place a little differently this year and Abilene will not be participating in the unsheltered count, keeping in mind the safety of their neighbors and volunteers.

In past years, Abilene-Taylor county has been recognized for ending Veterans’ homelessness as well as chronic homelessness and they have some big goals for 2021.

“Our next big goal is to end family and youth homelessness that includes both families with children who are homeless and also includes our unaccompanied youth without parents, our 2021 goal is to have a really good plan in place to say we want to end it by this time,” said Hutson.

