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Abilene boy, 11, fights ‘rare but serious COVID complication’ with faith and family



Nearly four months after testing positive for COVID, Cason Abbott continues to battle a ‘rare but serious’ COVID complication known as Multisystem inflammatory syndrome or MIS-C.

According to the CDC, MIS-C is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes or gastrointestinal organs.

In Cason’s case, he is still fighting pain and constant fatigue.

“[I’m] tired a lot. Sometimes my joints hurt, my legs hurt, sometimes and I get headaches,” Cason said.

Cason’s diagnosis has been something the entire family has been dealing with.

His mother, Angie Abbott, continues to fight for her son.

“I feel like that’s one of the only things I’ve done right is be a good mom,” Angie said.

The walls of Angie’s home tell a story of faith and family.

“In October the worst thing I was worried about was I hope he doesn’t get COVID or we don’t get COVID,” Angie said.

“COVID was a walk in the park compared to MIS-C.”

At Cason’s worst he was fighting a high fever, swelling in his heart and colon, a swollen mouth, hands, feet, and a rash.

Cason’s room tells the story of happier times.

Football, fishing, and hanging out with friends have now been replaced with daily medications and weekly trips to Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth.

The sports field is now replaced with his bed and gaming chair.

We asked Cason’s mom what has been the hardest part about her son’s battle.

“Right now he should be on the baseball field with his friends,” said Angie.

Friends are looking a bit different, too.

Cason’s companion is a 13-week puppy named, Missy or (MIS-C.)

Faith is pulling this family through as well.

“It’s a day to remember that God is bigger than any giant before you it’s a day to connect with him,” read Cason from his book by Tim Tebow.

But hard times don’t stop there for this family.

On top of her son’s fight, Angie is also dealing with the loss of her fiancé who passed away last November.

“I really feel like he’s been Cason’s guardian angel,” said Angie. “It just starts to wear on you when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

As of now, there is no cure to MIS-C or a broken heart, but Angie hopes this chapter of her story will soon end.

“Six months from now, I would love to be sitting in the stands cheering him on at a football game,” said Angie. “I would love to be helping him in his first month of 6th grade, and he’s back to normal.”

And for Cason, just like on the football field he will continue to fight to defeat the opponent.

Angie has created a page on Facebook where other parents whose children are suffering from MIS-C can discuss.

