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Abilene Chamber CEO appointed to Texas Association of Business Board of Directors



ABILENE, TX – The Abilene Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce President & CEO, Doug Peters, has been named to the Board of Directors of the Texas Association of Business (TAB).

TAB works in a bi-partisan manner to protect and enhance the Texas business climate and to make the state’s economy strong.

“It’s a distinct honor to help elevate the Abilene business community’s visibility at the state level by serving on the TAB Board,” said Peters. “There’s a lot to be gleaned for our great community by serving the state chamber, Texas’s largest business advocacy organization.”

Voted onto the board unanimously, Peters will be directly linked and participating in the interpretation and positioning of business-related public policy on behalf of all Texas businesses benefiting our state and local economies.

“To bring the interest of the members of the Abilene Chamber even closer to the legislative process will help to ensure a pro-business environment within the Big Country area as well,” said Peters.

Peters also serves on the board and executive committee of the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE), a statewide association for local Chambers of Commerce and an initiative of TAB. In his capacity with TCCE, Peters serves as Vice Chairman, Government Affairs.

