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Abilene mayor urging TXDOT to install traffic lights at deadly intersection



Abilene Mayor Anthony Williams is calling for TXDOT to install traffic lights at the intersections of Oldham Lane and Industrial. Last Friday there was another fatal accident there. An 18-year-old man lost his life after his Honda Civic collided with a Chevy Silverado.

“The intersection needs traffic signals and if it was the City it would already been done,” said Williams.

The road is owned by TXDOT. After last Friday’s accident, Williams said he received dozens of messages urging him to use his influence and get traffic signals installed.

“People aren’t just angry. They are afraid,” said Williams.

KTXS did a story Monday on the intersection and the number of accidents that occur there. We talked to several residents who live near it.

“I’m tired of hearing metal on metal, a loud bang, and then screaming,” said Taylor Brooks.

TXDOT put up flashing red lights next to the stop signs, but residents say it’s not working.

Mayor Williams says along with other City officials and State Representative Stan Lambert, he is urging TX DOT to install traffic signals at the intersection. TXDOT says they will be doing another traffic study.

“We want this expedited,” said Williams.

