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Author of stalled Texas ‘constitutional carry’ bill hints at deal



TX – The members of the Texas House and Senate working out the differences between the chambers on the permitless carry bill have reached a deal, the bill’s author said Friday.

State Rep. Matt Schaefer, R-Tyler, did not give details on the agreement reached in a statement. Both chambers will need to give final approval before it heads to the governor’s desk. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said that could be as soon as early next week in the Senate.

“By working together, the House and Senate will send Gov. Abbott the strongest Second Amendment legislation in Texas history, and protect the right of law-abiding Texans to carry a handgun as they exercise their God-given right to self-defense and the defense of their families,” Schaefer said.

Earlier Friday, Schaefer had hinted at the news in a tweet that said “big #2A news for Texas” is “coming very soon.”

Patrick, who had originally said the bill did not have the votes to pass, applauded the legislation on Friday, calling it a “historic bill” and “national model.”

The bill “upholds every Texan’s right to self-defense,” Patrick said. “It includes the thinking of national gun rights advocates and many in Texas law enforcement and affirms our commitment to protect the rights of gun owners and the safety of those in law enforcement.”

Patrick said he “worked hard” alongside the Senate author, Sen. Charles Schwertner, to deliver the votes needed.

Schaefer had rejected several Senate amendments to the bill, sending the bill to conference committee.

The amendments, among other things, would stiffen penalties for felons carrying guns, as well as for others caught with guns who shouldn’t be carrying them, such as domestic violence offenders. Another amendment would prohibit people from carrying firearms in public while intoxicated.

