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Beyond Trafficking preparing for Human Trafficking Awareness Month



ABILENE, TX – 2020 was a difficult year for non-profits in the Key City, both financially and socially.

“Crime doesn’t just stop because of COVID,” said Beyond Trafficking Development Coordinator Jamaica Gonzales.

After not doing as much as they would have hoped in 2020, Beyond Trafficking is looking forward to kicking off the New Year on a high note.

“January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and so Beyond Trafficking is so proud to be able to host two big events here in Abilene,” said Founder and Director Stephanie Rocha.

Rocha says this year her organization plans to work closely with the Governor’s Office to spread awareness, and work to put an end to human trafficking.

“A week long prayer event, where other faith leaders in Texas are joining together to pray for human trafficking. So last year it was one day, this year they’ve expanded it to a week,” said Rocha.

By placing more of an emphasis on social media, the organization has been able to spread their message to those who could not attend the few events they were able to have in 2020.

“Maybe they weren’t able to join us for the walk itself, but they were able to kind of see our live videos, they were able to come in, they were able to connect with us through social media,” said Gonzales.

Subjects like human trafficking are not always the easiest things to talk about. Beyond Trafficking has developed creative ways to help the Abilene community become more actively involved in the conversation.

“We are bringing a human trafficking movie to the ‘Town and Country Drive-In’ here in Abilene. That way we can bring more awareness.”

To close out the National Week of Prayer for victims of human trafficking, Beyond Trafficking will be hosting a prayer outside the Taylor County Courthouse on January 17th, at 3:00pm.

