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Big Country Museums adjust schedules, protocols as number of COVID-19 cases rise



TEXAS – During the pandemic, many businesses and organizations have had to make adjustments to their schedules for both safety and financial reasons.

To limit further spread of the virus, the Grace Museum in Downtown Abilene has decided to close its doors to the public Tuesday through Friday.

This change means the Grace will only be open to the public one day a week for the next couple of months: Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Grace Museum Marketing Director Lori Thornton says she believes this change is what’s best for now, to try and keep everyone in the Abilene community as safe as possible.

“We’re keeping a pretty close eye on the numbers, and we feel like if we can see them start to come down, then we will feel a lot more comfortable about extending our hours. We decided not pushing too far past January and February would be smart, and that way we can just keep reevaluating as we go,” said Thornton.

The Grace Museum is not the only museum in the Big Country making significant changes to their schedule.

According to the Old Jail Art Museum Executive Director Patrick Kelly, they have delayed opening times by two hours to make sure staff has the chance to sanitize the museum properly.

All guests who attend Old Jail Art Museum the are required to wear masks.

