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COVID-19 related hospitalizations in Abilene nearing states threshold of 15%, ICU beds full



ABILENE, TX — According to the latest COVID-19 update from Hendrick Health Systems in Abilene, CEO, Brad Holland, claims ICU beds are at capacity and COVID related hospitalizations are on the rise.

“Although we have not yet reached the 15% State definition threshold in our Big Country trauma service area, we are concerned that we may well be on our way, recognizing 1) the rapid growth in active cases and the historical hospitalization rate of active cases, and 2) that Hendrick Medical Center’s COVID-19 census today, as a percent of admitted patients, is 14.29%,” said Holland in a press release.

According to Holland last weekend, Hendrick had to deny surrounding healthcare facilities the ability to transfer inpatients to their care.

“Not all of these transfer requests were COVID-19 related, but it demonstrates the increased need as the pandemic continues for acute hospital services in our region, state, and nation,” stated Holland.

Holland stated that it is the responsibility of the community to ensure Abilene’s Healthcare system is not overwhelmed and encourages social distancing and wearing masks in public.

