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Declining bee population in West Texas



ALPINE, TX – The long-lasting drought mixed with the winter storm that swept through Texas in February has had long lasting impacts from damages to plants to the local population of bees according to some experts.

Honeybees are very important to agriculture because they pollinate all sorts of crops.

But because of the previous weather events, local honeybees and beekeepers are feeling the impact.

Scott Wassermann is a local beekeeper at Wassermann Wranch near Alpine. He says he has noticed less bee swarms propagating to new hives, meaning that there are fewer bees which can cause an impact locally.

“Any plant that is insect pollinated, that’s honeybee pollinated; cantaloupe, watermelon, that kind of stuff, is going to be negatively impacted because there is just not as many bees as there were this time last year,” said Wassermann.

If you come across a beehive somewhere it should not be, call a local beekeeper so they can extract the hive.

