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Only 56% of Taylor County households have filled out census form



ABILENE, TX– According to the Dallas Regional Census Center, Taylor County is falling behind the nation and the state of Texas in filling out the census this year.

“My grandmother used to have to ride a covered wagon into town and take the census, you can go to the internet,” said Abilene resident Suzanne Richards.

Filling out the census is important because it directly impacts the amount of funding devoted to schools, fire departments, hospitals, parks, voting stations and much more each year.

“As I look at Taylor County, only 56.2% of the households have answered, nationally it’s 62.3%. If we look at Taylor County, how did they do 10 years ago? 68% of the households answered,” said Dallas Regional Census Center Assistant Regional Census Manager Jerome Garza.

Garza says it is important to fill out the census because the data collected is used for the next 10 years.

“It’s safe, it’s confidential, and it brings money back to your community. Who here wants money back in their community? I do, I know you do, too,” said Garza.

One man visiting his family in Abilene says he is concerned about the impact less people filling out the census could have on his grandchildren, and all people of color.

“As minority members of America, that they have their presence counted, their votes counted, their demographics counted,” said Bill Walker.

Longtime Abilene resident Suzanne Richards says everyone needs to fill out the census, regardless of his or her political affiliation.

“Go to the internet, do your thing for society and for mankind, for your children, and for everybody, and take the census,” said Richards.

The deadline for filling out the census has been pushed back to Oct. 31.

If you have not filled out the census yet, you can click here, or call 844-330-2020.

