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Sen. Ron Johnson: Biden’s border crisis – here are tragedies I saw during tour of Texas migrant facilities



TX – During Friday’s tour of the Rio Grande with 18 of my Republican Senate colleagues, our boat slowed down to prevent its wake from disturbing a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol craft stationed near the shoreline.

The Texas Department of Public Safety officer commanding our boat pointed out a dead body floating in the water that the CBP boat was responding to.

That corpse was just one of many tragic things we witnessed during our two-day trip to the border near McAllen, Texas. After leaving Washington Thursday afternoon, we joined CBP union representatives for a nighttime tour of the border. We were taken to the Anzalduas International Bridge. The bridge is an important link connecting the U.S. and Mexico for commerce and travel, but now the area underneath is a makeshift processing center handling the latest surge of migrant families and unaccompanied children.


The Biden administration is not allowing journalists to see or photograph the reality of what is happening as this third wave of unaccompanied children and families exploit our broken asylum system. So my colleagues and I took pictures, and contrary to the Biden administration minder’s demand that we delete them, we posted them for the public to view.

The Biden administration may not like it, but Americans have the right to know what is happening.

The peak of the first wave occurred in 2014. President Obama correctly called it a humanitarian crisis and his Homeland Security secretary said it was a “bad day” when apprehensions exceeded 1,000. This third wave is routinely experiencing daily apprehensions over 4,000, with one day already exceeding 6,000.

