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Texas Schools Continue Mask Mandates In Spite of Science, Data



ABILENE, TX – A majority of Texas school districts are still requiring students to wear masks, even as teachers are vaccinated and the COVID numbers continue to plummet.

Katy ISD parent and school board candidate Bonnie Anderson is among a group suing her district, arguing parents should have a say in the matter. She says the district’s mask mandate flies in the face of COVID medical data regarding children.

“In making this masking for all children requirement, they’re taking away a parent’s right to make health choices for their children.”

Gov. Abbott’s order through the Texas Education Agency, allows local districts to make their own decisions about COVID protocols. But Anderson says children who fail to wear a mask are being singled-out and punished.

“Our children are being forced into virtual school, which comes with it’s own set of issues. Isolation. Screen time issues and that kind of thing,” she says.

“These are children who are under 20. These are children as young as preschool. All of these kids are wearing masks when they’re outside exercising. They’re wearing them when they’re playing at recess.”

We reached out to a handful of Houston area districts to ask about their mask mandates, but only one responded by sending a link to its COVID protocols.

