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Texas Sen. Dawn Buckingham discusses legislative priorities



ABILENE, TX— Texas Senator Dr. Dawn Buckingham says this has been the most challenging legislative session since she became a senator.

“This session has been incredibly busy,” said Buckingham.

Not only did Buckingham start this session with the pandemic and presidential transition, but also with a billion-dollar deficit and the February freeze.

“I know several people died in Abilene, which is a terrible tragedy, we can’t have people freezing in their homes. But on the flip side, people may be getting tremendous bills, we were really trying to understand and fix this problem,” said Buckingham.

Through the snow storm, Buckingham said the need for broadband internet access increased.

“You know, this last year has just been reinforcement for broadband; from a year ago basically when everything shut down and our kids try to do virtually,” said Buckingham.

Buckingham says by having broadband, it will give rural Texans the access to telehealth, which is a top priority for her.

Despite the deficits Texas is facing, Buckingham says she hopes to see even more funding than last year.

“My goal is for every child across District 24, and really all of Texas, has the opportunity to pursue their God-given talent, pursue that talent and see the prosperity of it,” she says.

Buckingham also says she wants to protect West Texans through the border crisis.

“Pretty close to Abilene, actually in Midland, they are moving a bunch of the kids into a little center, and it can be a real problem for our community,” said Buckingham.

She says it could create health concerns for those coming into the district with COVID-19.

Buckingham says keeping her district is very important to her as the house goes through redistricting, so only time will tell if Abilene stays a part of her District 24.

