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Abilene City Council to discuss bids for T&P Warehouse, could decide Thursday



ABILENE, TX — The clock is ticking as the Abilene City Council tries to decide on which bid will win the T&P Warehouse on North First Street.

The bid is between Charlie Wolfe, a local businessman, and the Chamber of Commerce. Both bidders have different ideas on how to use the space.

Wolfe has eyes for a a late-night restaurant connecting the SODA District to Downtown Abilene.

“A place for people that when they get off of work, whatever hour of the day that might be, a place for them to come or a place for students to come during the day or at night,” Wolfe says.

The Abilene Chamber of Commerce wants to buy the building and turn it into office spaces, not just for them, but for all entities that work with bringing new businesses to town.

“Someone who seeks to come into that facility can get every piece of assistance that they need at one time,” says Doug Peters from the Chamber of Commerce.

Both also have different reasons for wanting this historic landmark.

“We believe that this will help to position Abilene as the leader in West Texas as the most business-friendly community,” Peters says.

“What we’re trying to do is bridge the two sides and take that railroad divide out of the picture,” Wolfe says.

Both parties say that their visions will serve the community in different ways, and as both bidders prepare for the final vote, they are both hopeful to positively impact the Key City.

The issue is slated for discussion at Thursday’s city council meeting, where a final decision could be made.

