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Abilene I.S.D recommends delaying the first day of school, giving teachers time to prep



ABILENE, TX — According to Superintendent Dr. David young, the Abilene independent school district recommends the school board allow the start date of school to be delayed from Thursday, August 20 to Monday, August 24th.

Dr. Young says the pushback of the start date will give teachers and staff more time to prepare both their in-person classrooms as well as their remote learning classes.

“Teachers are going to have more to do getting ready for school when they come back than they ever have before,” said Young.

According to Dr. Young,  families have the choice to send their students back to school or choose the remote learning option.  Teachers will return to work on August 12th and the push back will allow them extra time to coordinate their in-person classrooms, as well as their virtual classrooms.

The next school board meeting is scheduled to take place on August 10, and if approved, the school year will not be extended any longer.

