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Abilene woman believes God will keep President Trump in office 4 more years



Teressa Mattingly-Clouse believes God will keep President Donald Trump in the White House for four more years.

“I believe the Lord is listening. I believe he’s been listening a long time, he gave us a gift,” said Mattingly-Clouse.

Teressa Mattingly-Clouse has a cardboard cut out of President Trump dressed as Santa.

Clouse’s home is all decked out with Trump.

On her windows, she has signs asking for people to pray for the president.

“We need to have faith in our election or we are done as a country,” said Mattingly-Clouse.

The Abilene woman believes Trump won the election.

“We just have to fight for our country, God, and pray,” said Mattingly-Clouse.

Windows towards the street have messages to pray for President Trump.

“A fair and credible audit-conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20 would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President,” Cruz said. “We owe that to the people.”

Dr. Paul Fabrizio, a political science professor at McMurry University, believes President-elect Joe Biden will be the next president, no matter what.

“If you’re Republican and you’re worried about your re-election chances or you’re thinking about running for president in 2024, you don’t want to alienate President Trump’s voters,” said Fabrizio.

Democrats believe it’s time for the GOP to move on and accept the vote.

“They are cowards, it’s time to face the music, it’s time to face the music and stop playing games with people’s lives,” said Elizbeth Smyser, chair of the Taylor County Democratic Party.

Congress is set to meet Jan. 6 to certify the election results, the last procedural hurdle for Biden to clear before being sworn into office Jan. 20.

