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Boyfriend locked up mother and 3-year-old son and set the apartment on fire before escaping the scene



After having a heated argument with her boyfriend, a mother thought they had made up after he came back home and acted as if everything was normal. But later, the woman realized how wrong she was when the boyfriend trapped her and her 3-year-old son inside their burning house. Before finding her house on fire, the woman and her boyfriend, identified as G’Andre Clark, had gotten into a fight late at night. The 22-year-old boyfriend then left the house and returned after a while; he acted as if things were normal between them and the mother was under the impression that they made up after the fight.

Later that night, the mother and her son were fast asleep in the bedroom when smoke began filling her apartment in Texas. The thick smoke woke the mother up, and she desperately tried to escape but found herself trapped inside the bedroom because the door was tightly held shut with an electrical cord.

The mother then leaned out the window and began screaming for help until finally, firefighters were called to the scene.  Jumping into action, the firefighters used a ladder to quickly get to the mother and child, and they brought the two to safety. The two were soon rushed to the hospital to receive medical attention. Once the fire was put out, investigators found that the fire was confined to a couch cushion inside the house; however, because of the cushion’s material, the fire filled the house with thick clouds of smoke.

Later, investigators spoke to the mother and understood that the couple had a dispute just hours before the incident. Authorities identified G’Andre and arrested him for locking the mother and child up before intentionally setting the apartment on fire. The boyfriend now faces charges of arson of a habitation with fire as a deadly weapon. The officials have reported that the mother and child received treatment for smoke inhalation, they are likely to survive the incident but are yet to recover from the damage and trauma that G’Andre left them with.

Image Source – YouTube Video

