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Letters to the Editor -Texas legislators, Sen. Ted Cruz, ‘wokeness,’ free speech, Bill and Melinda Gates, accountability in ERCOT mess, wage equity



DALLAS, TX – What on earth is the matter with our legislators in Austin? They seem to be getting less rational every day. They supposedly stand for less government control in our lives and yet are constantly trying to inhibit women’s health choices and now want to control what social studies teachers teach.

They don’t want to recognize that good health practices and the availability of them keep all of us healthier. And now, they want anyone to be able to obtain a weapon of violence without bothering to learn how to use it, use it safely or register it with a license.

I used to count the Republicans as good people with just different points of view from me about ways to govern our society, but over the last few years, they just look like they are becoming uncaring, disrespectful people who are getting elected to seek revenge on voters or groups who don’t agree with them. My boss used to have a sign on the wall in his office that read, “No man’s life, liberty or property are safe when the Legislature is in session.” Amen.

Sen. Ted Cruz announces he is done with “woke” corporations. He won’t even take their money. The Texas Legislature wants woke discussions out of schools. U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R.-Calif., says woke has got to stop. School board races all over Dallas and Fort Worth decry wokeness.

What are all these people afraid of? What if we all got woke? What would we understand that threatens some people? Would we understand the dog whistles about immigration? Would we wonder why health care for everyone isn’t on the front burner of public policy? Would we see how energy tycoons build on the cheap prices in deregulated markets and send the bill for faulty construction to the public? Would we see how crafty politicians trick us with race and hate? Might we come face to face with some uncomfortable truths? What might change?

We can know for sure that with Cruz, McCarthy and the Texas Legislature all up in arms, they are scared of something.

