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SGA offers recycling bins across campus



ABILENE, TX – SGA has teamed up with TerraCycle, a waste management company to offer recycling bins throughout the Campus Center.

TerraCycle provides the recycling bins, picks them up after an allotted amount of time and goes through the recycling process.

Amy Brock, vice president of SGA and senior communication major from Arlington, said this project was aimed at protecting the campus.

“Sustainability is something that we are passionate about to keep our campus beautiful and eco-conscious,” Brock said.

Currently, the bins placed in the campus center are plastic-specific and temporary. SGA is working to see how much use these bins get and how affordable it is to continue keeping them on campus.

They have also been working side-by-side with Wildcats for Sustainability, and funding for the bins is provided through both of these organizations.

Planning for this recycling project began early in the fall semester. Bins were ordered around Thanksgiving Break and placed on campus at the beginning of this spring semester.

“Any time that we work with administration on these issues, they are always receptive and encouraging of my ideas,” said Brock.

SGA has received positive feedback from students about the bins and are hoping to expand this project by placing more bins throughout campus.

“I am excited to see changes made on campus that hopefully stick,” said Brock, “I think they will benefit not only our campus, but the Abilene community as a whole.”

