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Homeless man in Abilene holds sign that reads ‘You are beautiful’ has a life lesson



Billy Ray was spotted on the corner of Ambler and Treadway.

He held a sign that read ‘You are Beautiful’ and caught the eye of Nick Bradshaw on his day off.

“I’m a traveler, I’ve been doing it for about 15 years now,” said Billy Ray.

The sign stuck out because he wasn’t asking for money.

“Besides from bad weather, I’m happy,” said Billy Ray.

Bill Ray has been to 48 states.

“Alaska and Hawaii are like satellite states,” joked Billy Ray.

The homeless man says he doesn’t want a home or a car.

“I got tired of being a regular normal American and go about doing the same thing that everybody else does,” said Billy Ray.

Watching the cars go by he points out how unhappy some look.

“Man I just watched a guy in a Mercedes and he was yelling at his kids in the back seat,” said Billy Ray.

He believes money won’t buy happiness.

