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Abilene City Council recognizes World Down Syndrome Day



ABILENE, TX – During the Abilene City Council’s Thursday meeting, Mayor Anthony Williams presented a proclamation to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day in Abilene.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes children to have an extra chromosome, which can cause developmental delays. There is a support group in Abilene.

The upside-down club was started 14 years ago.

“When I had him, down syndrome was a big scary word, and I needed support,” said Sadie Weaver, founder of The Upside-Down Club.

Weaver says when she first had her son, there was not a group for families who had a child with down syndrome.

“So I made it, and it’s turned into a place that people can come and talk and share experiences, recommendations, and just comforting words,” said Weaver.

Weaver says it’s also a place for their kiddos to socialize together, with events like they had today at Play Faire Park.

Nearly 15 years after the club was started, City Council recognized World Down Syndrome Day.

“I think its wonderful that our city council is all about inclusion,” said Cheryl Etter, Ethans mother.

The Etter’s attended the ceremony, where Ethan was able to read a letter to the council.

“I am proud of who I am,” said Ethan.

Cheryl says that the city recognizing people like her son Ethan helps teach kids to be more accepting of others.

“They have something to contribute, they are a part of the city they are a part of the community,” said Angie Martin, Hope’s mother.

“Abilene, Texas is not good enough for any of us, unless it is good enough for all of us,” said Mayor Williams.

Weaver encourages anyone in Abilene needing a support group for their child with down syndrome to join.

