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Abilene to Host First Ever LGBTQ Pride Parade



ABILENE, TX – For the first time in the city’s history, Abilene will be hosting an official LBGTQ Pride Parade.

The first unofficial parade occurred back in 1999 when approximately 40 people walked down Abilene streets.

“When people take steps to accept people who are different, it’s a good thing and I believe it’s a Christian thing,” said Margret Warn-Walker retired pastor from Exodus Metropolitan Community Church.

Two years ago, the Abilene Pride Alliance hosted”Pride in the Park” at Everman Park. More than 500 people showed up for the event that featured face  paintings, free hugs from moms, speakers, and food.

The alliance is hoping to have at least 1,500 attend the upcoming parade which will be called ‘Denims and Diamonds’.

“We are excited and hoping to bring the community together,” said Sam Hatton President of Abilene Pride Alliance. “We want to come together and create an awesome loving environment in the larger community.”

